It was cold: an ice hotel opens every winter in a Swedish village

Повеяло холодом: в шведской деревушке каждую зиму открывается ледяной отель

The Icehotel has been in existence since 1989. The idea of creating ice sculptures originated from a local resident, inspired by Japanese craftsmen. Since then, the hotel has been rebuilt from snow and ice every year, turning into a unique gallery where artists from all over the world create their works.

Guests are invited to spend the night in icy rooms with temperatures ranging from -5 to -8 °C. An overnight stay in a standard room costs about 6930 Swedish kronor (approximately 61,000 rubles), and sleeping bags and reindeer skins are provided for a comfortable sleep. Guests are advised not to stay more than one night in such conditions, after which they can continue their stay in warm rooms available all year round.

Every year, 15-20 standard rooms and 12 unique art suites are built in the hotel, the cost of living in which is significantly higher due to their exclusive design. This year, it took 454 tons of ice to create the hotel, and about 30 artists took part in the project.

Visitors can enjoy various activities such as dog sledding, ice sculpture carving, and visiting the famous ice bar. The hotel also has a wedding ceremony room for those who wish to tie the knot among the snow and ice.

And we have already told you about the unusual hotels in Russia.

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