TeamLab Phenomena Digital Art Museum opens in Abu Dhabi

В Абу-Даби откроется музей цифрового искусства TeamLab Phenomena

We are going to Abu Dhabi to open a new cultural space! It will be held on April 18, 2025.

The 17,000 square meter space in the Saadiyat area was created by the Japanese TeamLab team and unites art, science and technology.

Visitors will find two exhibitions — Massless Suns and Dark Suns, which will immerse themselves in the world of creativity, touching all the senses through digital media and interactive elements.

The project reflects TeamLab’s concept of “Environmental Phenomena”, where art interacts with the environment, creating a unique multisensory experience. Installations respond to external conditions, which makes each visit unique. 

The museum will be open daily from 10:00 to 19:00, and the ticket price for adults is 150 dirhams (more than 3,500 rubles).

We have compiled a list of nine amazing places in Abu Dhabi – they are worth a visit.

Cover photo: Kirill Neiezhmakov/

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