A museum inside a tiger statue has been opened in the suburbs of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

В пригороде Южно-Сахалинска открыли музей внутри статуи тигра

What is hidden inside a tiger? The museum! 

A tiger statue, the largest in Russia, was installed at the Rose Agro deer farm in the suburbs of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where a museum was opened.

Inside the 25-meter sculpture, an art exhibit dedicated to various animals is located on three floors, but the main role in which is assigned to the tiger. Visitors to the farm have a sign: if you go through all three floors and make a wish in the tiger’s head, it will come true.

The statue is already popular among locals and tourists, and the opening of the museum will make it even more attractive. Soon, a village of the indigenous peoples of the north of Sakhalin will appear on the farm.

Cover photo: Irina Kononova/Shutterstock.com

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