A “second Louvre” will be built in Riyadh

В Эр-Рияде построят «второй Лувр»

Now the Louvre can be visited not only in France or the UAE, but also in Saudi Arabia. The country has announced a cultural project in which Riyadh plans to build a world-class art museum modeled on a Parisian landmark.

The implementation of such a project will attract millions of tourists to the country. The initiative was put forward by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Savior of the World” will become the basis of the collection of the future museum. This is the most expensive work of art on the planet, the Crown Prince purchased it in 2017 for $ 450 million. Now the work of the great artist is stored in the Geneva repository.

Such leading experts in the field of art as Ivona Blazwick, former head of the London Whitechapel Gallery, and Hartwig Fischer, former director of the British Museum, will work on the creation of the museum.

Well, while the construction is only planned, we have already collected places that can be visited in Saudi Arabia.

Cover Photo: Sebastian Luna /pexels.com

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