Assemble a world map: LEGO Art has unveiled the largest set from the company

Собрать карту мира: LEGO Art представила самый большой набор от компании

We’ve come up with something to occupy any weekend! LEGO Art has released a world map in the format of a wall panel, which consists of 11,695 parts — such entertainment is exactly for the most patient.

The size of the assembled painting is 104×65 cm — this set has become the largest ever released by the company. 

As noted in LEGO, the assembly of the structure will allow travel enthusiasts to explore the world and at the same time be in a comfortable home environment. During the lesson, you can remember trips and plan new ones, as well as assemble and reassemble the set.

And here you will find a couple more ideas on what to do with yourself on the long May weekend (of course, go on a trip!).

Cover photo: LEGO Group/

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