Author name: admin


Travelers named 7 places where it is not worth going

Which places in the world are overrated? Travelers shared a list of locations where it will not be possible to have a good rest and have fun. The rating was published in The Times. Times Square, New York Pros: neon lights, a busy center, huge advertising quotes, you will feel like in any movie where […]


What to see in Brest in one day

Brest is a small city, but very original, besides, it recently celebrated its thousandth anniversary. I have been to Brest twice and would like to return there again with great pleasure. The cozy, almost homely urban atmosphere, the monuments of the Middle Ages and the feat of the people are all here. I’ll tell you


From Russia to China: the Changliuhao tourist train has appeared

Jump on the train, it’s going to China! Its route passes through the territory of Russia and China. The train runs along the Tumannaya River in China. The length of this path is 68 km, and the trip time is about three hours. In the future, the route is planned to be extended to Vladivostok,


Oh, how it smells: Reddit has chosen the most fragrant places in the world

Today we connect the sense of smell and remember the most favorite smells. So, users of the Reddit social network shared the most fragrant places in the world. This was reported in the Daily Mail. It turned out that Scotland (especially the Highlands) smells of blooming furze. Its aroma is reminiscent of honey and coconut.


Gastronomic guide to Uzbekistan: going for pilaf, samsa and mastava

Gastrobloggers rarely get to Uzbekistan, but in vain — it is delicious, sincere and not as crowded as in Turkey or Georgia. Plus, it is beautiful and interesting — what are only the stories of the Great Silk Road, the fortress and the mosque worth. We tell you where in the country to look for

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