Before traveling abroad, pets will need to be checked for rabies

Перед поездкой за рубеж питомцев нужно будет проверять на бешенство

Before taking a pet with you on vacation, it will need to be tested for rabies. Starting from September 16, 2024, documents confirming that your pet is not sick are required for the export of animals from Russia.

Rabies testing will be required to cross the border of almost all states, the Rosselkhoznadzor notes.

Previously, rabies tests were required only in a number of countries, for example, in the UAE, Taiwan, Japan, Israel, Turkey, South Korea and China. 

Now, a rabies antibody test obtained in an accredited laboratory will be needed for import into the EU, including transit. The animal must also have a subcutaneous microchip and a rabies vaccine.

The new rules are as follows:

  • the sample for analysis must be selected at least 30 days after rabies vaccination and at least three months before issuance veterinary certificate and entry into the EU;
  • the test must be carried out in a certified laboratory.

Cover Photo: Emerson Peters on Unsplash

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