Oh, how it smells: Reddit has chosen the most fragrant places in the world

Ах, как пахнет: в Reddit выбрали самые ароматные места мира

Today we connect the sense of smell and remember the most favorite smells. So, users of the Reddit social network shared the most fragrant places in the world. This was reported in the Daily Mail.

It turned out that Scotland (especially the Highlands) smells of blooming furze. Its aroma is reminiscent of honey and coconut.

But in France, smells from lavender fields prevail. The ancient fortress of Dubrovnik is striking with the aroma of raw wood, and the Canadian Banff, according to users, smells of Christmas because of the pines.

Also on the list were:

  • orange flavor of Seville;
  • chocolate Zurich;
  • Eiffel Island with tabasco flavor.

Cover photo: Curtis Watson/Shutterstock.com

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