Oh, visa-free: Sri Lanka will cancel visas for Russians

О, безвиз: Шри-Ланка отменит визы для россиян

It’s time to fly to Sri Lanka! For Russians, a visa-free regime will begin to operate there from October 1, 2024. This is reported by the adviser to the Ministry of Tourism of the island state Harin Fernando.

The list for visa-free travel also includes Belarus, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Poland, Australia, India, China, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and other states.

A reminder for those who fly to Sri Lanka before October 1, 2024: to obtain a 30-day visa, a tourist must apply for it on the website. You can also get a visa for entry upon arrival.

You can get to Sri Lanka by direct flight from Aeroflot and connecting flights from Gulf Air, Emirates, Srilankan Airlines, Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways, Turkish Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Oman Air.

Cover photo: Kozlik/shutterstock.com

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