Put the chaise longue right: Greece has come up with an original way to fine tourists

Ставь шезлонг правильно: в Греции придумали оригинальный способ штрафовать туристов

Before you put the chaise longue, make sure that you have placed it correctly. Otherwise… the drones will see everything! In Greece, they are used to keep an eye on offenders on the beach.

Sun loungers, according to the new rules, must be at least four meters away from the sea. Drones are used in Corfu, the Halkidiki Peninsula and the Attica region — the area around Athens.

In five days, the authorities have already issued dozens of fines totaling 350,000 euros. So you need to be careful not to join the list of violators.

The measures were taken to combat the excessive occupancy of the beaches.

In the meantime, we have collected beaches near Moscow where you can relax this summer.

Cover photo: DaLiu/Shutterstock.com

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