Tickets to the pyramid of Cheops will soon become more expensive

Билеты в пирамиду Хеопса скоро подорожают

Egypt has gone to increase … the prices of tickets to the pyramid of Cheops! Now the entrance will become almost twice as expensive for both travelers and locals.

Starting from January 1, 2025, the ticket price will be as follows:

  • standard for foreigners — 28 € (about 2860 rubles) instead of 17 € (about 1740 rubles);
  • preferential for foreigners — 14 € (about 1,430 rubles) instead of 8 € (817 rubles);
  • standard for locals — 3 € (307 rubles) instead of 2 € (204 rubles);
  • preferential for locals — 1.3 € (133 rubles) instead of 1 € (102 rubles).

Prices in popular museums around the world are inexorably rising. So, in Istanbul, tickets to Hagia Sophia have risen in price — as much as € 25. But it doesn’t matter: in the article “Free Istanbul” we told you how to spend a vacation in the city on the Bosphorus and not go broke.

Cover photo: AlexAnton/

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