Travelers named 7 places where it is not worth going

Путешественники назвали 7 мест, куда не стоит ехать

Which places in the world are overrated? Travelers shared a list of locations where it will not be possible to have a good rest and have fun. The rating was published in The Times.

Times Square, New York

Pros: neon lights, a busy center, huge advertising quotes, you will feel like in any movie where the hero comes to New York for a dream. 

Minuses:constant crowds, overpriced prices, a huge number of tourists.

The Council:Travelers find it better to explore other parts of the Big Apple, such as Soho, the High Line or the Brooklyn Bridge.

Venice, Italy

Positive:historical architecture, you can arrange a romantic date.

Minuses:Dirty channels, high prices, crowds.

The Council: Visit small towns, such as Verona or Bologna. You can certainly get a more authentic Italian experience there.

The Great Wall of China

Positive: there will be something to tell your friends, you can repeat the performance of Marina Abramovich and Ulai’s love.

Minuses:Again, there are a large number of people in areas such as Badalin. 

The Council: Consider visiting less popular sections of the wall. There is an incredible view from Jinshanling or Simatai.

Louvre, Paris

Pros: you can see such great masterpieces as “Mona Lisa” and “Venus de Milo”, and imagine that you will run through the Louvre faster than the characters from the movie “Dreamers” and set a new record.

Minuses:Long queues to famous works of art, crowds can cause stress. And to be honest, you certainly won’t run there.

The Council:Consider the Orsay or Orangerie museums, they also offer impressive collections, but in a more comfortable setting.

Dubai, UAE

Positive: modern architecture, entertainment opportunities.

Cons: expensive, many places are divorced from the traditional culture of the UAE.

The Council:For more authentic experiences, it’s worth going to Abu Dhabi or exploring the desert landscapes outside of Dubai.

Walk of Fame, Hollywood

Positive: meet the same director, get a star and leave your palm prints. Well, or you’ll just end up where the feet of, for example, the Golden Trio have already set foot.

Cons: unkempt and crowded streets, tasteless souvenirs and high prices.

Tip: Stay at home, make popcorn and watch your favorite movie in a comfortable environment.


Positive:Soak up the sun and bring home beautiful photos.

Minuses:Noisy parties, crowded beaches, overpriced prices, lack of genuine charm and tranquility.

The Council:Authentic vacations can be found on islands such as Koh Lanta, Koh Chang or Koh Lipe. There’s a more relaxed atmosphere.

We have some ideas for a short trip. Catch it!

Cover photo: Luciano Mortula — LGM/

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