We flew into space: the first tour to the ISS will take place soon

Полетели в космос: скоро состоится первый тур на МКС

“Let’s go!” – now you can say this phrase too! A subsidiary of the Roscosmos state corporation will arrange the first tour to the ISS in the third or fourth quarter of 2025.

The launch of the Soyuz MS spacecraft will take place at Baikonur in Kazakhstan. Two passengers accompanied by a professional cosmonaut will take part in the expedition.

The duration of stay on the ISS is 10 days, it takes about three hours to fly to the station itself.

Space travelers will have to undergo a medical examination, a training course on ground equipment and training modules. Active training will take up to five months, plus three more weeks of pre-launch training at the cosmodrome.

After the flight, tourists will have their personal spacesuits as a souvenir.

By the way, there is a place on Earth itself that resembles Mars. To get there, you need a flight ticket to China.

Cover photo: Follow/freepik.com

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