Where to go for the May holidays: 8 non-obvious places

Куда поехать на майские праздники: 8 неочевидных мест

While everyone is planning trips for the May holidays in Sochi, along the Golden Ring, to St. Petersburg or Kaliningrad, we have prepared less obvious, but no less interesting destinations in Russia.


  • Ruskeala, Karelia
  • Veliky Novgorod
  • Kostroma region
  • Kazan
  • Astrakhan
  • Adygea
  • Vladivostok
  • Sakhalin

Ruskeala, Karelia

  • How to get: to the nearest city of Sortavala by Swallow from St. Petersburg (4 hours on the way, from 1,220 rubles) or by train from Moscow (from 2,412 rubles), then transfer to the Ruskeala Express (1 hour on the way, from 1,919 rubles). From other Russian cities you need to go through St. Petersburg. Here and further, the fare is indicated for example, based on the minimum available prices on the date of publication of the article.
  • What to see in Ruskeala Mountain Park

Late spring is an ideal time to travel around Karelia. Firstly, after the ice drift and snowmelt, local rivers, lakes and waterfalls are the most full-flowing and beautiful. In May, there are still no terrible mosquitoes and midges that just eat you alive. Finally, in summer it can be crowded, and at the end of spring there is a chance to grab peace and zen.

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Late spring is an ideal time to travel around Karelia. Photo: Roman Evgenev/Shutterstock.com

Veliky Novgorod

  • How to get: by car or by direct train from Moscow (from 2,400 rubles), or by “Swallow” from St. Petersburg (from 661 rubles). From other cities you will have to travel by train with a transfer in Moscow or St. Petersburg.
  • Sights of the Novgorod region

If you are looking for a place to go for a long May weekend, but you do not want to jostle with crowds of tourists in the cities of the Golden Ring, take a closer look at Veliky Novgorod. The cultural program in this ancient city, which existed even before the arrival of Rurik, will be very interesting.

First of all, go to the Novgorod Kremlin, the oldest surviving in Russia (the first mention in the chronicle dates back to 1044). On its territory there is a monument “The Millennium of Russia”, familiar to us from the now rare five-ruble bill, as well as the oldest church in the country — St. Sophia Cathedral. We offer to relax after a busy walk in the Kremlin Park and on the brand-new Sofia embankment. If desired, you can go on a boat trip along the Volkhov River and even take a cruise to Lake Ilmen.

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First of all, go to the Novgorod Kremlin, the oldest preserved in Russia. Photo: Tatiana Bralnina/Shutterstock.com

Kostroma region

  • How to get: by car, bus or train. Two Swallows travel from Moscow to Kostroma per day (4 hours on the way, from 1,771 rubles). Planes of the Kostroma Aviation Enterprise fly from St. Petersburg (2 hours on the way, from 7,100 rubles in both directions).
  • What to see in Kostroma in one day
  • Sights of the Kostroma region

Chukhloma teremas are the houses of wealthy peasant workers who, with the permission of their master, went to work in large cities. These houses reflect the traditions of Russian wooden architecture with rich carvings, towers and other decor typical of the late 19th century. Surprisingly, two towers in the villages of Astashovo and Pogorelovo have survived to this day, although the settlements in which they are located were completely abandoned by the inhabitants.

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Chukhloma terem are the houses of wealthy peasant workers, these houses reflect the traditions of Russian wooden architecture with rich carvings, towers and other decor. Photo: Natalia Paklina/Shutterstock.com


  • How to get: by plane (from 6800 rubles in both directions from Moscow), by train (from 1671 rubles from Moscow) or by car.

While Russians are rushing to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad, we suggest moving east and going to explore the “third capital” of Russia — Kazan. Moreover, summer begins here in May, but still without the sweltering heat.

In Kazan, it is worth visiting the Kul Sharif Mosque and the Old Tatar Settlement, an area with preserved historical buildings. Take a walk along the Kremlin embankment, and then take a boat and go on a cruise along the Volga. By the way, you can get to the island-city of Sviyazhsk by the river. They say that it was from him that Pushkin painted the island of Buyan. Now there is an open-air museum on the territory of the city, many of the exhibits of which are under the protection of UNESCO.

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In Kazan, it is worth visiting the Kul Sharif Mosque and the Old Tatar Settlement, an area with preserved historical buildings. Photo: Ula Ulachka/Shutterstock.com


  • How to get: by plane (from 14,500 rubles in both directions from Moscow) or by train (from 4,500 rubles from Moscow).

First of all, go to Sarai Batu, a reconstruction museum on the site of the former capital of the Golden Horde, 130 km north of the city. By the way, this museum was created specifically for the filming of the film “Horde”. Do not miss the chance to find yourself in a real desert — there is a Big Brother dune near the city, and the Ryn-Peski desert is located east of Astrakhan. By the way, it is mentioned in Harry Potter as the place where one of the Quidditch World Championships took place. You can go hiking or on an excursion trip from Astrakhan to Ryn-Peski.

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First of all, go to Sarai Batu, a reconstruction museum on the site of the former capital of the Golden Horde, 130 km north of the city. Photo: Mikhail Starodubov/Shutterstock.com

Deserts, dunes and dunes of Russia

Do you want to visit a real desert without leaving Russia? In this article, we have collected eight such places from Kaliningrad to the Far East, and also told you when to go there and how to get to them.


  • How to get: to Maykop by car; or by plane to Sochi (from 16,200 rubles in both directions from Moscow) and then by “Swallow” (5 hours on the way, from 1,500 rubles). 
  • Edge of mountains and waterfalls: what to see in Adygea

In May, Adygea is especially beautiful — you will find deep mountain rivers, cascades of waterfalls, blooming fragrant alpine meadows and fluffy snow caps on the peaks of the mountains. In addition, the air temperature is already at around +20-26 ℃.

In May, all routes are open in Adygea, which makes it possible to walk along the hiking trails of the Caucasian Natural Biosphere Reserve or go rafting on the Belaya River. In addition, it is worth going to ethnotourism and visiting the sites of ancient people and dolmens. And, of course, at the end of the trip, do not forget to relax in the thermal springs. Look for even more places worth visiting in our great guide to the republic.

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In May, all routes are open in Adygea, which makes it possible to walk along the hiking trails of the Caucasian Natural Biosphere Reserve. Photo: Brester Irina/Shutterstock.com


  • How to get: by plane (from 28,500 rubles in both directions from Moscow) or by train from the nearest cities.
  • What to see in Vladivostok in three days

Spring arrives in Vladivostok late and reaches its peak by mid-May. At this time, flowers bloom on trees and shrubs, including the purple rose (rhododendron). To see the largest collection of rhododendrons in the country, go to the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

During this period, water walks in the waters of Peter the Great Bay in the Sea of Japan are also resumed. Well, from May 1 to May 15, 2024, seafood lovers will enjoy the “Mussel Festival”, which involves dozens of restaurants in the city and presents various dishes with seafood delicacies.

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To see the country’s largest collection of rhododendrons, go to the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Photo: Beliakina Ekaterina/Shutterstock.com


  • How to get: by plane to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (from 25,000 rubles in both directions from Moscow)
  • Sakhalin: what to see and do on Russia’s largest island

In May, snow falls on Sakhalin (and this year there was especially a lot of it) and the tourist season begins. First, it is worth going to the city of Nevelsk, where at this time you can observe the vast rookeries of sea lions — red book seals. Secondly, the wild oyster harvest season begins in the first half of the month.

It is difficult to imagine Sakhalin without cherry blossoms. It blooms, as a rule, in the last week of May. The largest sakura alley in Russia is located in the city park of culture and recreation. People also go to the village of Yablochnoye to look at the cherry blossoms.

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It is worth going to the city of Nevelsk, where at this time you can observe the vast rookeries of sea lions — red book seals. Photo: Natalia Garidueva/Shutterstock.com

In pursuit of a scarlet flower

If admiring blooming gardens is yours, then take a look at our guide to the flowering seasons in Russia and the world.

The long May weekend is rapidly approaching. If you are still thinking about where to spend them, we advise you to arm yourself with this article and start buying tickets and booking hotels on the Island. 

Cover photo: phM2019/Shutterstock.com

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