Kiosks with Viennese sausages can be included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list

Киоски с венскими колбасками могут войти в список нематериального культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО

Viennese sausages are going to be included in the list of intangible heritage of Austria.

The owners of sausage stalls in Vienna have joined together to find an association that will help fulfill their plan.

The sale of sausages in the Austro-Hungarian era provided earnings for former military personnel who were disabled in battle. An interesting fact: the oldest of the existing kiosks was opened back in 1928.

The mayor of the city supported the initiative to include sausage stalls in the list of intangible heritage under UNESCO protection. The application will be submitted in the near future.

Well, we have collected the best gastrobars in Russia — look in, it will be delicious.

Cover photo: Kochneva Tetyana/

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