Say “sy-yr”: a new museum has opened in Uglich

Скажите «сы-ы-ыр»: в Угличе открылся новый музей

This news would be the envy of a fox from a famous fable! The museum “Syrkultprosvet” was opened on the territory of the Uglich cheese and dairy plant. Rather, visit him to try the treats.

When the plant was in the process of modernization, the Agranta company gained access to archival documents, from which it was possible to learn a lot about the history of Russian cheese making. Its roots go back to pre-revolutionary times. Therefore, it was decided to share the secret knowledge with the guests of the plant. 

In the museum “Syrkultprosvet” you can immerse yourself in the history of cheese creation from ancient times to the present. The creators of the space note that there is no such complex in the whole world.

Guests will begin their visit with an exhibition in the lobby, where you can see samples of old equipment and a mosaic panel referring to the space theme. And all because it was the Uglich cheese that became the first cheese to go into space — together with Yuri Gagarin!

Next, visitors will get to the second floor, where they will listen to stories about cheese and cheese making, as well as learn interesting facts and artifacts, get acquainted with cheese recipes from different countries and much more. 

In the interactive space, guests will be given the opportunity to create their own cheese packaging in the laboratory, watch themed films and take a picture in the photo zone. And finally, the most pleasant thing is that in the tasting room you can enjoy the collections of traditional and organic cheeses of the factory under the guidance of a sommelier.

There is also a restaurant “SyrBor”, which is located on the ground floor of the museum. 

Read about other “delicious” museums — the list was compiled by the Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

Cover photo: Denis_Aleksandrov/

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