Stress on the plane: who doesn’t like to sit next to strangers

Стресс в самолёте: кто не любит сидеть рядом с незнакомцами

Expedia conducted a survey among travelers from 11 countries and presented a list of the most annoying moments during the flight. The top is to sit next to strangers.

So, 26% of respondents from Japan answered the question “What causes you the most anxiety or stress during the flight?” They chose to “Sit next to someone I don’t know.”

They are followed by travelers from the United States (22%), Australia (19%), Great Britain (18%), Germany (16%), Mexico (15%), Hong Kong (15%), Singapore (14%) and France (10%) experiencing stress for the same reason.

Although tourists from Japan like to travel next to strangers on a plane less than others, they are less likely to come into conflict with fellow travelers (14%), but Americans, on the contrary, often quarrel with neighbors in flight (58%).

Laughter helps to reduce anxiety, so take away our 15 harmful tips for traveling by plane — they will raise the level of endorphins. 

Cover photo: muratart/

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