The fee for registration of a Russian passport will increase to 6,000 rubles

Пошлина за оформление российского загранпаспорта увеличится до 6000 рублей

For anyone planning a vacation abroad, the important news is that from July 1, 2024, the amount of the fee for registration of a new Russian passport will increase by 20%. It will amount to 3,000 rubles for a child and 6,000 rubles for an adult.

Now the registration of a ten—year passport with biometric data costs 5,000 rubles for an adult, 2,500 rubles for a child. And the registration of an old—style document is 2000 rubles for an adult, 1000 rubles for a child. Both procedures are free for residents of Kaliningrad.

In addition, it will become more expensive to issue a number of documents for foreign citizens. For example, the cost of an invitation to the Russian Federation will be 960 rubles.

The fee for obtaining a residence permit from July 1, 2024 will also amount to 6,000 rubles, the fee for registration of a foreign citizen at the place of residence in the Russian Federation — 420 rubles, a temporary residence permit — 1920 rubles.

Cover photo: yanik88/

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