Traveling by car will become a trend

Путешествие на машине станет трендом

A large bag was packed, a panama hat was put on, it only remained to saddle your horse … oh, that is, a car and go on a trip. Sergey Romashkin, ATOR’s Vice President for Domestic Tourism, is confident that most of the tourists vacationing in Russia will go on vacation by private car.

The reasons, according to the expert, were the increased cost of air travel and the improvement of the quality of roads in the country.

From the research conducted by ATOR, it became clear that:

  • 50% of travelers use a private car for tourist purposes;
  • 30% fly on airplanes;
  • 20% ride trains.

By 2030, according to forecasts, the share of motorists in domestic destinations will reach 70%.

In addition, Russians began to make more short trips — closer to home, to their own or neighboring regions.

By the way, we have collected 15 harmful tips for those who travel by car. So remember… or not.

Cover photo: Olezzo/

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