What to see in Ankara in 1 day: lakes, the mausoleum of Ataturk and the ancient fortress

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

Echoes of the centuries-old history of the Ottoman Empire and the era of Ataturk can be found in Ankara. Unlike Istanbul, mass tourists rarely come here, and this only makes the city more interesting. We are going to walk around the ancient fortress, get acquainted with the fate of the founder of the Turkish state and relax in the capital’s coffee shops.


  • How to get there
  • What to do
  • Where to eat
  • Where to drink coffee
  • What to bring
  • Where to stay
  • Mexico City


  • Currency: Turkish lira. The exchange rate to the ruble: 1 lira is equal to 2.89 rubles.
  • Visa: Russian citizens can enter Turkey using a foreign passport. In total, you can stay in the country for no more than 90 days in six months, but continuously for up to 60 days.
  • Bank cards: UnionPay cards of Russian banks that are not sanctioned work in Turkey.

How to get there

You can fly from Moscow to Ankara on direct flights of the Turkish companies Pegasus and AnadoluJet. You will spend 4 hours in the cabin of the plane. If the spirit of adventure requires more, choose an Azerbaijan Airlines flight with a transfer to Baku, you can even find it with a 20-hour stop. But there are no direct flights from St. Petersburg.

If you decide to go to Ankara from Istanbul, then there are several options:

  • airplane, 1 hour flight.
  • high-speed train, 4.5 hours on the way. Tickets can be purchased on the Turkish railways website: TCDD e-bilet.
  • bus, travel from 5 hours. 

To enjoy the views from the window while the train takes you towards the capital’s adventures, choose the Turkish equivalent of the “Peregrine Falcon” — it is called YHT.

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

You can fly from Moscow to Ankara on direct flights of the Turkish companies Pegasus and AnadoluJet. Photo: Bilal Kocabas/Shutterstock.com

The sea capital of Turkey

Ankara is the capital of Turkey, and Istanbul is its soul. It smells of the sea and sweets, and fishermen with fresh catch are waiting for strollers on the bridges. To get inspired for a trip, read our guide to the sights of Istanbul.

What to see

Ankara can be called a city of lakes with some stretch, because in the capital you can not only look at the historical and modern sights of Turkey, but also walk along the freshwater reservoirs, as the locals do.

Anitkabir complex

The mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the modern Turkish state, is located in this monumental complex. He led the country through the struggle for independence after the end of the First World War. The portrait of the first president is printed on every Turkish lira bill.

Entrance to the museum is free. Opening hours depend on the season, it is better to check in advance on the official website. From May 15 to October 31, the complex is open from 9:00 to 17:00.

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

The mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is located in this monumental complex. Photo: Bilal Kocabas/Shutterstock.com

Ankara Castle

The fortress of the VII century on the top of the hill. The climb is steep, but it’s worth it — a magnificent panorama of the city opens from the top. Entrance to the territory and inside the castle is free.

The Atakule Tower

The main features of this TV tower are an observation deck and a rotating restaurant. But not only the traditional amusements of high-rise buildings attract people here, because there is a shopping center right under the tower. An adult ticket to the observation deck will cost 300 liras (864 rubles).

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

The main features of this TV tower are an observation deck and a rotating restaurant. Photo: Wasted Generation/Shutterstock.com

Hamamenyu quarter

A complex of ancient buildings from the time of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic has been preserved here. Come here for a walk along the restored houses of old Ankara. Souvenir shops and various establishments are open for tourists.

Lake Mogan

One of the favorite places of the residents of the capital. There are two parks around the reservoir. In one of them — called Ataturk Sahil — you can walk along the gentrified paths among the greenery. If you get tired or just want to contemplate the beauty of the local nature, then benches and gazebos will become your best friends.

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

Morgan Lake is one of the favorite places of the residents of the capital. Photo: Bilal Kocabas/Shutterstock.com

Lake Eimir

is another body of water in Ankara where you can enjoy the tranquility of water and forest. Come here for a country atmosphere that feels stronger than on Mogan.

Where to eat

Trilye Restaurant

Seafood restaurant. If you want to spend a lot of lira, then you should go here. The restaurant has positive reviews and even has its own website in English and Turkish — there you can see the menu in two versions: main and takeaway. Order shrimp in a frying pan — they will be fried and served in it.

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

Seafood restaurant. Photo: Trilye Restaurant

Yelken Balık

Another trendy seafood restaurant. Come here for the very atmosphere of a Mediterranean establishment, where everything is appetizing, hot and served on white tablecloths. This place also has its own website in English and Turkish, where you can also view the menu. Order grilled squid — a spectacular and fragrant dish.

Kebapci Emin Usta

If your soul is asking for a simple Turkish kebab, then go to this cafe. It is located in a traditional Turkish house with a tiled roof. There are tables inside and outside — choose a summer terrace to contemplate the life of a small cobbled street in Ankara. Kefte cutlets cost 90 lira (260 rubles).

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

If the soul asks for a simple Turkish kebab, then go to Kebapci Emin Usta. Photo: K.G. & Gülnur/tripadvisor.ru

Where to drink coffee

Ror Cafe&Roastery

This coffee shop is located in a relatively quiet part of the city — there are many establishments and shops, there is no market noise. In December 2022, for 191 lira (551 rubles), you could get delicious filter coffee, a chic cup of purover on Ethiopian grain and two hearty sandwiches in a baguette. If you are a coffee enthusiast, then grab another set of accessories — they are cheaper here than in Russia.

Prod Coffee & Roastery

Come here to drink classic and alternative coffee. Sit at bar stools or regular tables. The coffee shop is flooded with light — panoramic windows everywhere, you can watch the life of the capital’s residents.

Rispetto Coffee Co.

This specialty coffee shop with a summer terrace will be a great place to relax from the bustling capital. There is a wide selection of coffee drinks and desserts. There is a rare instance in the menu — cortado. It’s espresso and hot milk mixed in a one-to-one ratio. Cost: 90 liras (260 rubles).

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

The coffee shop is located in a relatively quiet part of the city — there are many establishments and shops, there is no market noise. Photo: Ror Cafe&Roastery

What to bring

Shopping at the Turkish market

To go shopping wisely, read our note on Turkish markets. They talked about the most necessary words and phrases, and also about the bazaars, where you should definitely go.

Bring Turkish national souvenirs from Ankara. For example, sujuk are traditional sausages of the Turkic peoples. They became widespread during the time of the Ottoman Empire, of which Turkey is the heir.

Armudas, tulips or, more simply, Turkish tea glasses — you’ve seen them on the ferry in Istanbul and in any local cafe and TV series. A set of such cups can be found even in the supermarket. In the same place, grab Turkish tea in elegant jars — large or small, they will fit any size of luggage.

Don’t forget about the traditional Turkish sweets: baklava and Turkish delight. They are sold in any bazaar and in many supermarkets.

You can buy a book in Turkish. They are inexpensive and beautiful here, and there are also a lot of non-fiction and translated Russian classics in local shops.

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

Don’t forget about the traditional Turkish sweets: baklava and Turkish delight. Photo: Katerininamd/Shutterstock.com

Where to stay

Ankara is a huge metropolis in the heart of Turkey. If you like to walk in nature, then choose the surroundings of Mogan and Eimir lakes in the Gelbashi area. If you love antiquities, then settle down near Ankara Castle and Hamameni quarter.

My Home Anatolia Hotel

This budget hotel is located next to the largest mosque in the city — Kojatepe. The interior is designed in a classic style. There is a comfortable area with sofas in the lobby. The room price starts from 3330 rubles.

King Hotel Cankaya

Is a good-quality hotel on a quiet street between two parks. The prices are higher here, but there is a swimming pool and a fitness center. The cost of a double room starts from 7594 rubles.

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

King Hotel Cankaya.

New Park

A five-star hotel on a busy street opposite the city park. Very close to the metro station and bus stop. The cost of a double room starts from 9987 rubles, breakfast is included.

The Green Park Ankara

Another 5-star hotel is located in a high-rise building. A gym, sauna and swimming pool are waiting for the guest inside. The price for a double room starts from 11,768 rubles.

Что посмотреть в Анкаре за 1 день: озёра, мавзолей Ататюрка и древняя крепость

The Green Park Ankara.

Deeps Hostel Ankara 2

Budget option: a hostel near the country’s parliament. The reviews here are excellent — a score of 8.8 on the Island. The price for a separate Standard room with a balcony starts from 2,774 rubles.

More options are on the Island:

Ankara is often forgotten when planning a trip around the country, but in vain! Come to one of the most underrated capitals of the world by tourists to understand how Turkey lives, and, of course, the Island will help with housing.

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Cover photo: Sergii Figurnyi/Shutterstock.com

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