Which cities may go under water by 2100

Какие города к 2100 году могут уйти под воду

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore have shared that the level of the world’s oceans may rise by 1.9 meters. And this, in turn, threatens coastal megacities such as London, Venice, Bangkok and Mumbai.

Research shows that with carbon emissions continuing to rise, melting glaciers will lead to significant sea level rise by 2100, with catastrophic consequences for many regions. Island nations such as Maldives and Tuvalu will be particularly affected, as well as major cities including Jakarta and Bangkok, which will face constant flooding.

Climatologists urge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to prevent flooding.

In the meantime, the year 2100 is very far away, we suggest visiting these cities now. For example, Bangkok.

Cover photo: Guitar photographer/Shutterstock.com

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