Free workshops, trainings and concerts: a 100-day summer festival will be held in Moscow

Бесплатные мастер-классы, тренировки и концерты: в Москве пройдёт 100-дневный летний фестиваль

Only Alice Selezneva can tell what will happen to Moscow in a hundred years. But for the next hundred days, we carry the hint. Join the large-scale festival “Summer in Moscow. Everyone outside!”, which is being launched in the capital of Russia. 

Within its framework, events in the field of fashion, culture and sports will be held, and thematic workshops, training sessions and much more will take place on the city’s embankments. This was announced by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. According to him, this event will be the longest-running urban festival in the world.

So, according to plans, the Boulevard Ring will become a space of fashion, culture and sports, an opening day will be held on Nikitsky Boulevard, and Petrovsky Boulevard will be occupied by artists working in the open air.

In addition, literary readings will be held on Pokrovsky Boulevard, mini—festivals of fashion, photography and beauty on Tverskoy, performances by street musicians on Rozhdestvensky and Strastny. It will be possible to play chess in Gogol, and graffiti can be painted in Yauz.

In addition, sports trainings, musical performances, thematic workshops and literary readings are organized on the embankments. 

The festival grounds will provide a place for basketball and volleyball games, fitness, culinary and creative studios, vintage fairs and dance classes. 

The city will also host a landscape design festival. The capital will be decorated with more than 700 exhibition gardens and flower arrangements.

Cover photo: FOTOGRIN/

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