On June 1, 2024, the popular Riviera beach complex will open in Sochi

1 июня 2024 года в Сочи откроется популярный пляжный комплекс «Ривьера»

The family beach complex “Riviera” will finally work after reconstruction. This was reported on the website of the Sochi city administration.

The complex combines three beaches at once — “Riviera”, “Zvezdny” and “Ostrov”. The total length of the territory is 450 meters. New park furniture was installed there, modern lighting was made and paving stones were replaced, as well as attention was paid to subtropical landscaping and lighting in the evening. 

Now the Riviera has recreation areas, water attractions and themed areas with a soft surface and ping-pong tables. New showers, changing rooms, public toilets, a medical center and rescue towers have appeared on the beaches. Vacationers will be able to leave valuable things in storage cells.

We have collected the top hotels in Sochi. Choose the one that suits you!

Cover photo: Aleksander Karpenko/Shutterstock.com

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