The island has been helping travelers to live to the fullest for almost 14 years, not to postpone their dreams for later and enjoy the freedom to choose: for this we have 2.5 million hotels, hostels, apartments and guest houses around the world. We are not a market, not a bank, not an ecosystem, but a platform dedicated to travel, and only to it.
The Islet team lives and burns with travel and shares this passion with you: we want travel to fill life with joyful moments. This philosophy formed the basis of the rebranding — we tell and show how and why the visual style and positioning of the Island have changed.
Meet the updated Island!
The new logo of the Island.
Why did we decide to change
The coronavirus pandemic has led to a global revision of values: people have become more appreciative of life and the importance of every moment. Qualitative research has confirmed that Russians are not ready to postpone dreams for tomorrow — they want bright and memorable sensations now, and not in a ghostly “later”. And it is travel that gives such impressions. So we realized that it was time to update our brand. The island has become brighter, more optimistic, closer to you and your dreams.
Daria Kochetkova, managing Director of the Ostrovok service
Daria Kochetkova, Managing Director of the Ostrovok service: “Ostrovok has been committed to its mission for almost 14 years — to make travel easier and more accessible, to give people the freedom to be where they want and do what they love. This loyalty to the idea sets us apart from the players of the travel market. With the new bright positioning and branding, we intend to consolidate in the memory of the audience an associative series in which rest, like an Island, begin with an “O”, and one is impossible without the other.”
About the Island
Ostrovok today is an online accommodation booking service for travel around the world with a large selection of hotels and apartments. For example, the company has no analogues in terms of the number of facilities in Russia — 105,000.
Against the background of the departure of foreign travel platforms, the Island has become a service where it is convenient to plan a vacation anywhere in the world by paying for a hotel you like with a Russian bank card. It is important that you do not have to worry about your booking, because the user support service is on guard for trips, which works 24/7.
The rebranding was based on the concept of “Oh! moments”, first introduced in the brand’s advertising campaign in autumn.
What are “Oh! moments” with an Island
In the daily routine, people sometimes lose their passion and craving for adventure. They need a boost, inspiration. And it can be a journey that breathes life and lights up the eyes, giving new colors, smells and an unusual view from the window. We called this feeling of happiness and fullness “Oh!-the moment”.
Traveling gives inspiration, a sense of life here and now. We called this feeling an “Oh!-moment.”
Thus, the letter “O” has become central to the brand’s updated image. Now you will see a different Island in the application and on the website, on the blog, on social networks and on TV screens. The letter “O” is inspired by corporate patterns, round objects in landscape photographs and a new photo style — round-shaped objects reminiscent of vacations and fueling the thirst for travel.
Cheerful green mojito and ultramarine
The main color of the Island has become green “Mojito”: this shade is associated with nature, freshness, anticipation of travel and high spirits.
It is shaded by blue “Ultramarine”, a rich and deep color reminiscent of the sea and sky. Blue connects the new visual style with the original image of the Island, which was so loved by many of our travelers.
New logo and brand name It turns into an “Island!”: the logo is now a Cyrillic version of the brand name with an exclamation mark. The latter is a reference to the epiphany that comes when you are planning a new journey and you are visited by a brilliant idea. The brand name consists of the first letter and an exclamation mark from the logo: “Oh!”.
Very soon, the island in a new image will appear in the federal advertising campaign of the service, timed to coincide with the beginning of the high tourist season.
The island is changing, but we do not lose focus on the main thing and continue to help you feel the fullness of life through travel and realize dreams of such a welcome and sooooooo long-awaited vacation!