Where to go in… 2040? The most popular destinations have become known

Куда поехать в… 2040-м году? Стали известны самые популярные направления

Let’s take a little look into the future. Deloitte, together with Google, found out which countries will be the most visited in 2040.

Experts suggest that by 2040 2.4 billion people will travel, of which 74% will choose countries in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region for their holidays. 

The top 10 will be:

  • Spain;
  • France;
  • USA;
  • China;
  • Mexico;
  • Italy;
  • Turkey;
  • Saudi Arabia;
  • Thailand;
  • Germany;
  • United Kingdom;
  • Japan;
  • Malaysia.

And the authors of the study note that tourism will be influenced by artificial intelligence, virtual reality, real-time translation from foreign languages, as well as climate change, the economy, life expectancy and (oh, fingers crossed) the easing of visa barriers.

Cover photo: Mazur Travel/Shutterstock.com

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