A ticket is the best gift, it became clear from the VTSIOM survey

Путёвка — лучший подарок, стало ясно из опроса ВЦИОМ

How to please your family and friends? Give them money or… a tourist ticket! This result was shown by a study by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion on what Russians would most like to receive for the New Year.

So, it follows from the survey that:

  • 12% of women would like to receive money as a gift;
  • 10% — tourist package or vacation ticket;
  • also 10% — concert tickets, theater or dinner at a restaurant;
  • 9% — attention, care and communication.

Experts note the gifts that Russians eventually received this year:

  • 49% — love, attention and care (we can only be happy for the lovely ladies);
  • 27% — sweets, alcoholic beverages and delicacies;
  • 19% — perfumes, cosmetics and jewelry.

If you are preparing to make a gift in the form of a voucher and only choose where to go, we offer our list of countries where you can get to without a visa and by direct flight.

Cover photo: Andrew Angelov/Shutterstock.com

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